*You can only register for one division at a time so please repeat this process to enter additional divisions.
Fundraising is super easy and can be as simple as sharing your fundraising profile on your socials! Find out more in the fundraising tab above. Did we mention there will be some epic prizes up for grabs for our top 5 fundraisers?
In consideration of your acceptance of my application to surf at Tubes4Boobs, I hereby release the Sponsors, their members or agents and any official connected with this event from all liability arising from natural causes or otherwise, injuries, illness or (death) ill health whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation or presence at this contest. I am aware that I am under no obligation to enter the surf and may withdraw from the event at any time if I consider the conditions too dangerous or the location unsuitable.” Competitors need to have or take out their own Personal Accident Insurance if they are to be covered for any injuries they may obtain. I agree that Tubes4Boobs retain the right to utilise images of my participation in the event for the purpose of promoting Tubes4Boobs.